Biannual Research Journal: Acta-Islamica |
Vol 3, Issue 1: jan-june 2015 |
HEC Recognition Notification |
ISSN: 2411-7315: |
Indexed by : Islamic Research Index(IRI),Please Click: |
Prof: Dr.Khan Bahadar Marwat (Sitara Imtiaz) |
Vice Chancellor Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal |
Vol 3, Issue 2: july-Dec 2015 |
Title Page |
1.Some agricultural contracts, in the time of ignorance |
2. Psychological look after of children in Islamic Perspective |
3.The progrostications and the Bible prophecies about the life of the Holy Prophet |
4. An Introductive review to the Science of Jarh |
5.The issue of Lawfulness and unlawfulness of some equatic animals |
6. The legitimation of Court Merriage and its impacts on society |
7. Opinions of the jurists, regarding the breach of nafli worship and its Qada |
8. A Historical review of the Arabic Grammar |
9. Etiquettes and Principles of Interfaith Dialogue |
10. Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan: An Islamic Preview |
11. Foundations of Social stability in perspective of Seerah: A research study |
12. Establishment of National IHL Committee by High Contracting Party under Geneva Conventions of 1949 |